Ni 2nd x-ray image Fatin taken 2 weeks after. Nampak tak formation of callus around the fracture part. Doktor kata fracture is healing with good formation of callus. Callus ni macam pokok patah then kita sambung balik dengan letakkan tanah bernutrien di sekeliling tempat patah tu. Lama2 dia akan tumbuh balik. Medically maksudnya camni:
Callus = Firm knot of calcified scar tissue that forms about a fractured bone. It is formed by calcification of the blood clot that forms around the fracture site. Within a few weeks it is totally calcified, and then remodelling of the callus leads to the gradual removal of the excess tissue, leaving only a healed bone. Within a few months to a year or two, there will be no sign of a fracture ever occurring there at the site of the callus.
Hebatnya ciptaan Allah! Lepas check ngan Pediactrician, dia mintak refer ngan pakar orthopedik plak, just to get 2nd opinion. Dia pun cakap benda yang sama. After 3 months dia suruh datang x-ray balik dua2 belah and suruh teka belah mana yang patah sebab he guarantee takkan ada kesan langsung. Bila dia tekan tulang tu pun, dah gerak uniformly & baby tak nangis pun.
Last week Petronas ada buat Karnival Keluarga Petronas 07 (KKP07). Tahun ni 1st time aku tak main bowling, diorang tak inform pun kitorang ada selection. Anyway aku pegi gak tengok game diorang just to give moral support. Kemuncaknya adalah malam konsert KKP07 kat Permata. Aku bawak Farra pegi sama. Artis tahun ni ada Sofaz, Mila AF5, Aizat AF5, Jay Jay, Zainal Abidin & yang paling best pengacaranya Aznil. Suara Mila memang power, memang layak jadik juara. Aznil plak memang pro jadik host & suara dia pun not bad. Farra punya la suka sebab Aznil masukkan element tv show dia, Farra suka tengok, siap joget2 lagi. Makanan banyak tapi tak sempat makan sebab aku bawak Farra pegi duduk kat depan stage. Macam biasa acara ditutup dengan fireworks show, memang cun. Juara tahun ni Expro...